Garden Etiquette
When visiting the H.P. Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines:

All indoor and outdoor posed photography (portraits, groups, professional, or commercial) require a photo permit. Fees apply.

All events, including elopements, require a rental agreement.

Flowers, fruit, and plants should be left for all to enjoy.

Please use the paths and walkways, and do not step in the planting beds.

Supervise children closely, especially near the tropical pool and fountains, and in the desert house.

Picnic facilities are available in the outside garden for small, informal groups. Any outdoor activities for large groups, or that involve catering or decor, must have a rental agreement.

Artists are welcome. Please remain mindful of pathways and other visitors. Pencils, watercolors, and pastels preferred. No oil paint, please.

Any pets brought onto the property must be under direct control. This means leashed, and that the animal will come, sit, and stay on command. Animals must stay on the paths.